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As vocal coaches, we work with people who want to improve their public speaking abilities. Using excessive extra terms can prevent speech from becoming cluttered and take focus away from the content. This article’s topic, “Eliminate Filler Words: Tips to a More Streamlined Speech,” will provide insightful advice for speakers looking to enhance their communication.

We have seen firsthand how using extra words can detract from speakers’ confidence and ability to engage the audience. The strategies we will show here assist them in giving more polished and convincing speeches. We will discuss useful advice that has assisted many speakers in reducing outside distractions during their speech, allowing for more effective and impactful communication.

Eliminate Filler Words: Tips to a More Streamlined Speech

One’s personal and professional life can be impacted by developing the skill of succinct and efficient speech in a society where effective communication is indispensable. Frequently employed subconsciously, extra words can impede lucidity and reduce the impact of a message.Woman in a purple suit speaking in front of a crowd

The Impact of Filler Words

Although they may appear harmless, extra words can have a significant negative influence on how well people communicate. Words that are used as fillers can make a speaker seem less confident and credible. Here are some main arguments against the excessive use of them: 

  • Lack of clarity: Unnecessary terms make a speaker’s message less precise and clear. They obstruct communication by causing needless pauses and diversions.
  • Perception of hesitancy: Using extra words a lot creates the appearance of uncertainty. It could give the impression that the speaker is less assured and informed about the subject at hand. 
  • Diversion from the main message: They have the potential to serve as a distraction, drawing the listener’s focus away from the main point of the message.  
  • Perceived unprofessionalism: Using a lot of unnecessary terms can give the impression that one is not professional. It could give the impression that the speaker is unprepared. 
  • Poor communication: The use of extra words can negatively affect a speaker’s ability to share ideas by giving off the idea that they do not have effective speaking skills.

Identifying Common Unnecessary Terms

To effectively eliminate filler terms from our speech, it is vital to recognize and identify the most prevalent unnecessary words and phrases that tend to sneak into our speech patterns unveiling the elements of voice.

  • “Um” and “Uh”: These are probably the most used ones. When the speaker needs a moment to gather their thoughts or reflect, they act as placeholders. These words have the potential to become ingrained and lessen the speaker’s general impact.
  • “Like”: This term has a bad reputation for creeping into conversations, especially with younger people. Although it has its proper place in similes and comparisons, it is best not to use it excessively as a filler word.
  • “You Know”: Without even realizing it, people use the phrase as a filler. It can serve as a means of establishing a connection with the audience or seeking validation, yet when overused, it takes attention away from the speaker’s main points and can come across as insecure or unsure.
  • “So” and “Basically”: These are two words that frequently enter conversations as needless fillers. They are employed as pauses between ideas or to buy the speaker some time. Although they have their proper applications, using them excessively can lessen the message’s impact and clarity.
  • Excessive Adjectives and Adverbs: Unnecessary words are not restricted to particular words or expressions. They may also show up as an overabundance of adverbs and adjectives. Sentences such as “very,” “really,” or “extremely” are often employed to highlight a point or bridge silences in speech. 

Woman writing on a notebookStrategies to Eliminate Fillers

After learning the effects of filler terms and identifying common culprits, it is time to look at doable tactics for getting rid of them from our speech. Speakers can improve their communication styles and make a bigger impact by using these strategies. 

  • Embrace silence: Try to spend a few seconds of quiet during pauses and transitions rather than adding filler. When used effectively, silence can help listeners focus on important details and take in information. 
  • Use transitional phrases: Using transitional phrases minimizes the need for fillers and aids in guiding the audience through the speech with ease. 
  • Practice vocal exercises: Speaking with greater confidence can be achieved by strengthening speech muscles, which leads to a decrease in the use of unnecessary words.
  • Seek feedback: Getting input on the use of filler terms from a recognized vocal coach. Ask for detailed comments on your speech patterns as well as their thoughts on the filler usage. 
  • Practice mindful communication: It is speaking with intention and in the present moment. It necessitates keeping an eye on what we say and being conscious of our tendency to use unnecessary words. 
  • Record and review: You can find specific filler terms and patterns by recording speeches. Allocate a specific period to examine these recordings and identify the times when fillers are most common.

Person holding a microphoneRelated Questions

Should I Speak With Zero Extra Terms?

While reducing the number of filler terms is ideal, it might not be necessary to aim for zero. Using fillers once in a while is normal and can give you a moment to reflect. It is important to use them sparingly, keep your focus, and stay away from too many distractions. Concentrate on cultivating a deliberate and thoughtful speaking style that reduces fillers while maintaining the conversation’s organic flow.

Will Avoiding Filler Words Make Me Sound Less Natural?

Staying away from unnecessary words does not make you sound less authentic. The goal is to strike a balance. It is important to sound assured, well-spoken, and captivating; you can do this by cutting out surplus words from your speech. Fillers can add a conversational tone, yet using them too often can make speech less credible and clear. 

Is It Possible to Completely Eliminate Filler Words?

Removing unnecessary terms from speech can be difficult. However, reducing their frequency is imperative. You can cut down on the use of unnecessary terms by practicing, making a conscious effort, and putting the previously mentioned strategies into practice. This will increase the effectiveness and clarity of your communication.


Removing superfluous words from speech is an invaluable skill that improves the efficacy of communication. People can become more concise and effective speakers by realizing the negative effects of fillers, recognizing common words and phrases, and engaging in mindful communication.