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Many public speakers have trouble with different parts of delivering speeches. Some struggle with efficient thought organization, others with anxiety related to stage fright. With years of experience as vocal coaches, we’ve helped many of our clients move past these typical problems. How? Our top 10 tips to master your next speech can answer that question and give you exactly the knowledge you need to become a skilled public speaker. 

Top 10 Tips to Master Your Next Speech

One of the most valuable skills in today’s workplace is public speaking. The ability to communicate clearly and captivate an audience can open many doors for you career-wise and personally. The following tried-and-true strategies will give you the self-assurance and skills you need to succeed in any public speaking situation.Microphone placed on the table, beside wine glasses

Recognize Your Target Audience

Tailoring your message to the specific audience guarantees it resonates well with them. Before your speech, take time to analyze your audience’s characteristics:

  • Demographics: Consider the age range, ethnicity, gender, and other demographic factors of your audience. 
  • Education level: Gauge the level of education of your audience.
  • Prior knowledge: Identify gaps in their knowledge that you need to fill.
  • Expectations: Tailor your content and structure to match their expectations.
  • Potential biases: Be aware of any potential biases your audience may have towards your topic. 

Structure Your Speech

It will be much easier for your audience to follow and comprehend you if your speech is well-structured. A well-designed speech structure consists of three primary parts:

  • Overview: An attention-grabbing opener for your introduction is key to engaging your audience.  
  • Body: Your speech’s body is its central section, where you present its major ideas.  
  • Conclusion: Your main points are summed up in the conclusion. Refrain from providing fresh details.

Craft a Compelling Opening

The first thirty-sixty seconds of your speech are critical. This is when you either capture your audience’s attention or start losing them. To craft an engaging opening:

  • Use a startling statistic or fact
  • Ask a thought-provoking question
  • Share a relevant anecdote or story
  • Make an unexpected or controversial statement

Master the Art of Storytelling

While facts and figures are important for supporting your points, stories are what make your speech engaging and memorable. When incorporating stories into your speech: 

  • Keep it relevant: While entertaining, your story must directly relate to and reinforce the key point you are making.  
  • Set the proper tone: Adjust your voice, body language, and delivery to match the tone you want to convey. 
  • Incorporate dialogue: Insert dialogue into your storytelling to give it more life and dimension.   
  • Build tension and resolve it: Start your story by setting the scene and building tension around a conflict. Then resolve that tension with the lesson, morale, or outcome.

Practice as Much as You Can

No matter how talented you are as a speaker, practice is crucial for delivering a professional and polished speech. Here are some simple practicing tips that get the job done:

  • Read out loud
  • Record yourself
  • Practice in the same room where you will be delivering the speech
  • Try different approaches
  • Practice on your own and in front of others

Use Visual Aids

Using visual aids in your speech can improve its quality and make difficult concepts easier to understand. When incorporating visuals:

  • Keep it simple
  • Use high-quality visuals
  • Practice with your visuals

Person writing on a notepad with a laptop and mobile phone on a tableEngage With Your Audience

While knowing your speech word by word can be helpful, the speeches that mesmerize feel more like a conversation than a one-way lecture. Here are some effective ways to engage your audience:

  • Ask questions: Sprinkling a few rhetorical questions in your speech gets your audience to think actively about your topic. 
  • Use audience volunteers: Depending on your speech format, you could invite one or two audience members to the stage to participate in a quick activity. 
  • Encourage dialogue: Build opportunities for back-and-forth dialogue, like having the audience turn to a neighbor to briefly discuss a point you made.

Monitor Your Body Language

Your body language speaks volumes, often conveying more than the words coming out of your mouth. Controlling your non-verbal cues is imperative for appearing confident, credible, and trustworthy during your speech. Here are some tips that can help:

  • Maintain a confident posture  
  • Use purposeful hand gestures  
  • Make deliberate eye contact  
  • Control facial expressions
  • Move with purpose 

Manage Your Speaking Pace

Speaking too quickly can cause you to stumble over words and sound rushed, while a sluggish pace risks losing your audience’s attention. Proper pacing is about striking the right balance. 

  • Speak at a moderate speed: Aim for a rate of around one hundred and twenty words per minute as a general guideline.   
  • Slow down for emphasis: When hitting key points, you want to emphasize, deliberately slow your pace. 
  • Speed up at times: While too rapid is undesirable, strategically increasing your rate can add variety and punch to certain sections.
  • Adjust based on the content: Slow down when explaining complex concepts to guarantee understanding.  
  • Leverage vocal variety: In addition to rate changes, use variations in volume, pitch, and tone.

Conclude With Impact

After expertly delivering the core content of your speech, you need an impactful conclusion to leave a lasting final impression. An effective conclusion should: 

  • Avoid introducing any new information
  • Reiterate the core message 
  • End with a memorable statement

Man holding a microphone while speaking in front of a room full of peopleRelated Questions

How Much Time Should I Allocate to Practice?

Give yourself enough time to practice, taking into account your comfort level and the speech’s complexity. Generally speaking, try to get in two or three practice sessions, and as the event gets closer, try increasing your frequency.

How Can I Memorize a Speech Fast?

Divide a speech into manageable chunks and apply memory tricks like the memory palace method, which links important information to well-known sites to help you quickly memorize a speech. Repeatedly practice reciting the sections, then record and playback. 

What is the Best Way to Practice Your Upcoming Speech?

The best way to practice your upcoming speech is to record it and then critically analyze it. Concentrate on one element at a time, such as eye contact, gestures, or pace. 


It’s important to remember that effective public speaking involves engaging, inspiring, and moving your audience in addition to imparting knowledge. You have the power to change people’s opinions, even their lives, with every speech you give. Using the ten tips above can help you master your next speech and create the desired impact on your audience each time.