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Chest Voice Training For Men to Bulk Up Their Voice

Did you know that people can determine your upper-body strength just by listening to your voice?

Keep these scientific findings and three tips in mind and you won’t have to worry the next time You Know Who’s name shows up on your caller ID.

Here’s the findings from the scientific study and what you can do to outsmart the evolutionary cues and sound as muscular as you are (or want to be)!
  • According to the scientific publication, “Adaptations In Humans For Assessing Physical Strength From The Voice” by first author Aaron Sell, “both men and women can accurately assess men’s physical strength from the voice.”
  • To outsmart these evolutionary cues:
  • Make sure you have sufficient amounts of Chest Voice.
  • Connect more words together without frequent pauses.
  • Cut the fillers!


Hi, I’m Roger Love, celebrity voice coach, top-selling author, and founder of The Voice of Success Live. I’m working to make the world a better place, one speaking voice at a time, starting with yours.

Today I’m going to help you solve a problem that male clients tell me about all the time. When they want to impress others or start a new relationship, they go to the gym, get a haircut, and change up their clothes. But their voice is still stuck in the previous version of themselves!

Look, you don’t need my thirty-plus years of voice coaching experience to pick up personal information about a stranger with just one conversation.

For example, is that voice you hear [demonstrates] slow and raspy? Probably an elderly smoker.

[demonstrates] Super fast with upspeak? Teenage girl from the Valley.

[demonstrates] Quiet and airy? May be an indication of low self-confidence.

But did you also know that people can figure out your upper-body strength just by listening to your voice!?

According to the scientific publication, “Adaptations In Humans For Assessing Physical Strength From The Voice” by first author Aaron Sell, “both men and women can accurately assess men’s physical strength from the voice.”

Here’s how the study worked: participants were given eight speaking samples from four unique language populations spanning North America, Europe, and South America. Both female and male participants were asked to listen to a speaking sample and evaluate the perceived strength of the speaker. Now, without being able to understand all the language samples, AND without any photos or video footage of the speaker, listeners were able to “accurately assess adult men’s physical strength from cues in the speaking voice.”

What does that mean for guys? Your voice can tell a potential partner how ripped—or scrawny—you are even if you’re talking on the phone! Lucky for you, I’ve dedicated my career to helping men and women achieve the voice they need to get the personal and professional results they want.

Want to know how to outsmart these evolutionary cues? Here’s the vocal tactics for men.

Ok, first, make sure you have sufficient amounts of Chest Voice. These are the deep, thick, and rich sounds filled with plenty of edge and cord vibration. Not sure what that feels like? Say, “aaaah,” and you’ll feel a buzzing in the furthest back part of your throat. Emphasize that feeling and sound when you’re trying to achieve a thickness in the lower part of the Chest Voice.

Second, to convey strength with your voice, connect more words together without frequent pauses, like this, [demonstrates]. There is a strength that comes from how fluid, even and thick those connected words are as they ride out on a solid stream of air.

Third, cut the fillers! I normally don’t stress content, but I make an exception for filler words like “uh,” “um,” and “er.” These words do NOT make you sound like a warrior and they certainly don’t make you sound like a smart, savvy guy worth getting to know.

Keep these three tips in mind and you won’t have to worry the next time You Know Who’s name shows up on your caller ID.

If this sounds like you, a great voice can be your solution. Start your effective, fun and impactful voice coaching right now!