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In the years we have worked as coaching speakers, we have seen innumerable people battle to discover how to develop an authentic speaking style. This article is designed to help them overcome the obstacles they encounter when trying to communicate in a way that captures their audience’s attention and accurately represents their distinct identity.

Whether you are a public speaker, a business professional, an educator, or someone who wants to communicate more effectively, here we will provide you with the insights you need to overcome the challenges you face in finding your unique voice.

How to Develop an Authentic Speaking Style

Communicating effectively is necessary for success in modern times, so mastering the art of authentic speaking has grown in importance. Developing a distinctive and sincere voice can enthrall listeners, cultivate confidence, and improve one’s standing personally.

A female speaker in front holding a microphone

The cornerstone of an engaging communication style is authenticity. Through acceptance of one’s innate tone, delivery, and mannerisms, people can develop a unique voice that connects with listeners.

Embrace Your Unique Personality

Every person has a unique personality shaped by their viewpoints, experiences, and values. The first step to creating an authentic communication style is accepting this uniqueness. As you endeavor to explore the pillars of your voice, concentrate on the subsequent tactics:

  • Determine your speech patterns. Spend some time analyzing and considering your natural speech patterns. Be mindful of your body language, gestures, and vocal inflections. 
  • Appreciate your oddities and personal traits. Genuineness resides in the minutiae. Accept your eccentricities as a unique aspect of who you are, instead of attempting to hide or downplay them. 
  • Steer clear of imitation. Although it can be tempting to try and speak like people you admire, resist the need to just copy what other people say. In the end, you want to create a voice that is your own. 

Your audience will appreciate the genuine connection you establish, setting you apart from those who attempt to emulate others.

Exploiting the Power of Vocal Techniques

Your voice is a potent tool that can evoke strong feelings in listeners, hold their attention, and make an impression. Using vocal techniques, you can improve your speaking and leave your audience with a lasting impression. Here is how to use your voice to its fullest potential:

  • Clarity and projection: Practice proper breath control to guarantee clarity and project your voice. Exercise your diaphragm to improve the support of your breath. Perform vocal warm-up exercises to improve articulation and loosen up your vocal cords. Try out a variety of vocal resonators to improve vocal range dynamics and projection.
  • Tone and inflection: Experiment with the different tones your voice can produce to engage your audience and portray a variety of emotions.  Play around with your speech’s pitch, loudness, and tempo to add emphasis and make your speech flow naturally. Use vocal inflection to draw attention to important details, convey passion, and keep the audience interested.
  • Enunciation and pronunciation: Pay attention to how you pronounce each word to make sure that your message is understood. Practice tongue twisters and accurately pronounce vowels and consonants. Ask people for their opinions to find out where your pronunciation needs work.
  • Vocal variety: Use a variety of vocal styles to prevent monotony and keep your audience interested. Use pauses to draw attention to key points and give your audience time to process the information. Try out various vocal tenors, like conversational, authoritative, or sympathetic, to adjust to a range of speaking contexts.
  • Vocal expression: Use vocal expressiveness to emotionally connect your words with your audience. Examine how you can express passion, excitement, or empathy with your voice dynamics. Engage in vocal exercises that emphasize using your voice to convey various emotions.

Record and listen to your speeches to identify areas for improvement. Seek feedback from your vocal coach who can provide constructive criticism and help you refine your vocal skills during your individual training.

Mastering Non-Verbal Communication

Even though words have meaning, nonverbal cues convey more information than words alone. Gaining proficiency in non-verbal cues is important for improving the impact of your message as a whole. The following are important things to think about when communicating nonverbally:A group of men talking to each other

  • Body language: Take note of your posture; to come across as confident and approachable, stand or sit up straight with relaxed shoulders. Show that you are paying attention, and keep making eye contact with your audience to build rapport. 
  • Proxemics: Recognize the value of personal space and modify your proximity while taking comfort levels and cultural norms into account.  Depending on the situation, use physical closeness to establish authority or to foster intimacy. 
  • Facial expressions: Genuinely smiling conveys your excitement and approachability while also creating a cozy and welcoming atmosphere. Make sure your facial expressions are in line with the feelings and ideas you are expressing in your speech.

Pay attention to the non-verbal cues of others as well, allowing you to adapt and respond during conversations or presentations.

Related Questions

Why Do You Struggle Being an Authentic Speaker?

You may struggle with authenticity in speaking due to fear of judgment, lack of self-confidence, or feeling pressured to conform to societal expectations. Past experiences of rejection or criticism may also contribute to this struggle. It may also arise from a disconnect between your true self and the persona projected while speaking.

Can You Be an Authentic Speaker Without Being Rude?

Of course! Being impolite is not a prerequisite for being a genuine speaker. Being authentic means staying true to who you are, communicating your ideas and feelings honestly, and establishing a respectful and sincere connection with your audience. It calls for clear communication, attentive listening, and interpersonal empathy. 

How Do You Know If You Are an Authentic Speaker?

You can know if you are an authentic speaker by assessing how well you align your words, emotions, and values. Reflect on whether your communication style reflects your true self, if you connect with your audience, and if you convey your message with sincerity. Pay attention to feedback from others, as their perception of your authenticity can provide valuable insights. 

A man sitting in front while talking to a lot of people


People who can communicate meaningfully develop a manual for self-exploration speaking style. It takes more than just communication skills, you also need to embrace who you are and share your special viewpoint with everyone around you. You can realize your full potential using vocal techniques and non-verbal communication.