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One of the most common issues public speakers face is gaining and retaining their audience’s attention. This usually happens because they have a hard time establishing an emotional connection with them. This doesn’t mean those speakers are robotic or cold. Sometimes, there’s no connection because they are missing the art of storytelling in public speaking. 

Our experience as vocal coaches has helped us gather the most useful techniques you can apply to take your speeches to the next level and better connect with your audiences through storytelling. Ready to learn how to get your listener’s attention? Let’s go!

The Art of Storytelling in Public Speaking

When it comes to speaking in public, storytelling is a potent instrument that can turn speeches into engrossing narratives. When performed with skill, this art leaves an enduring impression on the audience that lasts long after the speaker’s words have faded. Storytelling also helps speakers engage and connect with the audience.Back of a male speaker during his speech, with the lights from the crowd's phone visible in the background

The Essence of Storytelling

Speakers can use the art of storytelling in public speaking to engage their audience, explain difficult concepts, and motivate action. Fundamentally, narrative consists of conveying experiences, feelings, and knowledge in a way that the audience can relate to. The fundamental elements of storytelling are: 

  • Purpose: Every narrative has a goal. Knowing why you are telling your story will enable you to write a narrative that will interest and resonate with your audience.
  • Narrative: A well-written story has a start, a middle, and an end. Setting the stage and outlining the issue or conflict should be done at the outset.
  • Emotional connection: Emotions are stirred by stories. They evoke emotions in their listeners, such as happiness, sorrow, anticipation, or surprise.
  • Personal touch: Personal anecdotes give your speech realism and relatability. They make it possible for your audience to relate to you more deeply by enabling them to identify with your experiences. 
  • Relevance: A captivating story should be relevant to your audience. It should provide them with insights they can relate to and apply to their own lives.
  • Aftereffects: Cracking the code to engaging narration should inspire your audience to act on your message and leave them with a clear understanding of it.

Why Storytelling Works

A great communicator differs from a merely competent one through the strategic use of stories, even though facts, figures, and logical arguments form the core elements of public speeches. Storytelling works in public speaking for several reasons:

  • Easier comprehension: Stories are easier to understand than other kinds of data.
  • Personable and engaging: Facts and figures are not as engaging and personal as stories. 
  • Demonstrate reality: Narratives can be used as “proof” to support the validity of statements made in a speech.
  • Influence thoughts and emotions: The thoughts and feelings of an audience can be influenced by stories. 
  • Create a connection: A strong bond is formed between the speaker and the audience when a story is told.
  • Relatability: A metaphor or a personal anecdote that your audience can personally relate to is more likely to encourage them to keep listening to you.
  • Improve retention: Stories stick in people’s memories more than numbers and facts do. 
  • Build credibility: Narratives elucidate the speaker’s personal experiences, thereby fostering credibility and trust among the listeners.

Crafting Your Story

Effective storytelling does not happen by accident, it is the result of thoughtful choices and a meticulous crafting process. To do that, consider the following recommendations:Man talking on a microphone while standing in front of a group of people

  • Determine your core message: Each story should have a distinct lesson or message that relates to the speech’s main goal.
  • Recognize your audience: Adapt your narrative to the audience’s passions, decode the pragmatics of public speaking, backgrounds, and emotional cues.
  • Employ descriptive language: Detailed descriptions can help your audience visualize your story, which will increase its immersion.
  • Include conflict and resolution: Conflict gives your story a sense of urgency and intrigue, while resolution offers a satisfying finish.

Techniques for Effective Storytelling

Although many people acknowledge the power of storytelling, many speakers struggle to truly grasp the techniques needed to craft an engaging story there are adverse effects of possessing an impeccable voice. Use these strategies to improve your storytelling:

  • Employ strategic pauses to create effect: Appropriately-placed pauses can heighten tension or allow viewers to fully comprehend key points.
  • Modify your vocal delivery: You can highlight important moments and distinguish characters by adjusting the volume, tone, and pace of your voice.
  • Engage with body language: To enhance your story and create additional engagement, use gestures and facial expressions.
  • Stimulate the senses: Good storytelling looks less towards factual information and more toward sensory information.
  • Consider the end in the beginning: Effective storytelling has a goal. From the beginning, work your way through to the conclusion of your story. 
  • Recognize and value diversity: Make connections with a variety of audiences by including elements that appeal to a broad spectrum of people.
  • Deliver with confidence: Express the tone, feel, and mood of your story through your voice, body language, and facial expressions. To add intrigue and emphasis, adjust your pitch, tempo, volume, and pauses.
  • Practice and seek feedback: Record your video and look at your delivery of the story. Find gaps and errors repeatedly until they become better. Present in front of your vocal coach to get feedback and refine your storytelling skills.

Male speaker holding a microphone while walking in the aisle of a stadiumRelated Questions

What Happens to the Brain During Storytelling?

Several brain regions are active while the speaker tells a story. Words are interpreted by language processing centers, and vivid mental images are produced by sensory areas. The tone and events of the story elicit emotional responses. Storytelling, because of this brain activation, improves comprehension, memory retention, and emotional connection.

Should I Use Personal Anecdotes or Fictional Stories?

Think about your audience and goal when choosing between fictional stories and personal anecdotes. By relating anecdotes from your life, you can establish more authenticity and a stronger bond with the audience. Conversely, fictional tales provide the freedom to create narratives that are universal, relatable, and customized to convey particular messages. 

How Long Should My Stories Be?

The context and goal of your public speech engagement will determine how long your stories should be. Generally speaking, stories should be brief and targeted, lasting no more than a few minutes to five minutes at most. This guarantees that the narrative maintains its interest and captures the audience’s focus without overpowering the primary point.


Storytelling in public speaking is all about fostering a connection with your audience through an emotional and relatable narrative. It involves transforming speeches into thought-provoking, entertaining, and motivating experiences. Speakers who are skilled in this art can rise above the ordinary and make every word matter and every moment unforgettable for their listeners.