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Voice cracks can be embarrassing and undermine your confidence, potentially ruining your chance for a successful interview, speaking engagement, or public performance. As professional vocal coaches, our mission is to help individuals struggling with their voice, so here are our top tips on how to prevent voice cracks when speaking.

How to Prevent Voice Cracks When Speaking

Preventing voice cracks involves a combination of daily habits, vocal exercises, and stress management techniques. Maintaining proper hydration, following a healthy diet, and practicing vocal warm-ups can improve vocal stability. Managing anxiety and seeking professional guidance from speech pathologists or vocal coaches can also help prevent vocal cracks when speaking.

A woman with glasses is seated in a chair, her hands raised, expressing enthusiasm or joyFrom actors to entrepreneurs, our students have applied these tips, giving them stronger vocal control for effective communication.

Tips Action Steps
Develop healthy habits Stay hydrated by drinking water and herbal teas

Maintain a balanced diet rich in vitamins and minerals

Get adequate sleep

Avoid smoking and excessive alcohol consumption.

Do vocal warm-ups and exercises Practice diaphragmatic breathing exercises

Perform lip trills and tongue trills

Use humming exercises to warm up the voice

Manage emotions Use relaxation techniques like deep breathing or meditation

Control humidity in your environment

Prepare and rehearse your speech or performance thoroughly

Seek professional help Consult a speech pathologist for personalized advice

Work with a vocal coach to improve technique

Address any underlying medical issues with an ENT specialist

1. Develop Daily Habits for Vocal Health

Maintaining healthy daily habits can keep your voice strong and prevent voice cracks, transforming your speech delivery to captivate your audience. This involves proper hydration, a balanced diet, quality sleep, and wise lifestyle choices.

Hydration, Diet, and Soothing Remedies

Among the simplest ways to stop your voice from cracking is to monitor your water and food intake.

  • Drink water for each cup of coffee or alcoholic drink.
  • Keep a water bottle with you to remind yourself to drink regularly.
  • Take herbal teas to soothe your throat.
  • Eat fruits high in water content, like watermelon and strawberries.
  • Minimize consumption of spicy and fried foods, as well as sugary treats, as they can cause mucus buildup.

Sleep and Recovery

Adequate sleep is vital for vocal recovery. Aim for seven to nine hours of sleep each night. 

Rest your voice whenever possible, especially when feeling strained or fatigued. Listen to your body and rest when feeling vocally tired.

Lifestyle Choices

Your lifestyle can impact your voice. Smoking and exposure to secondhand smoke are harmful to vocal health. Limit alcohol intake and reduce throat clearing, which can strain your vocal cords.

Three women engaged in conversation while seated at a table in a professional recording studio2. Perform Vocal Warm-Ups and Exercises

Preparing your voice with the right warm-ups and exercises can help prevent cracks and enhance your speaking and singing performance. Key methods include breathing techniques, stretching your vocal range, and targeted voice exercises.

Breathing Techniques

Start with deep breathing exercises. Strong breath control results in steady vocal output. We often do these voice training exercises to help relax the vocal cords and enhance breath control.

  • Slow and controlled exhalation
  • Diaphragmatic breathing practice
  • Breathing bubbles exercise

Targeted Voice Exercises

Warming up your vocal range prevents strain and cracks. You can also focus on specific areas that can strengthen your voice.

  • Gentle humming from low to high
  • Tongue placement for controlled pitch
  • Lip trills and sliding scales
  • Humming with nasal focus
  • Repeating vowel sounds
  • Deep, resonant chest voice practice

3. Manage Stress, Anxiety, and Nerves

Dry mouth and cracking, squeaky voice stem from speech anxiety. With thorough preparation and relaxation techniques, you can manage your emotions to give you the confidence to speak clearly.

Relaxation Techniques

Relaxation techniques can significantly reduce stress and anxiety levels. 

  • Deep breathing exercises are simple yet effective. Inhale slowly for four counts, hold for another four, then exhale for six counts. Repeat this several times to calm your nerves.
  • Progressive muscle relaxation can also help. Tense each muscle group for five seconds, then release. Start from your toes and move up to your head.
  • Listening to calming music before speaking can set a relaxing tone. 
  • Dry air can irritate your vocal cords, causing discomfort and increasing your chances of voice cracks during a presentation. Consider using a humidifier, especially during dry seasons or in air-conditioned rooms.

Women collaborating at a table in an office, showcasing teamwork and professional interactionPerformance or Speech Preparation

Being underprepared can make you feel nervous, causing your voice to crack, especially when you’re not sure about what to say or do next. This is why preparation matters. We have developed a speech checklist to help you practice your speech and build confidence as you deliver your performance.

Develop a pre-presentation or preparation routine. This could include doing some light exercises or reading for a few minutes. Practice and focus on speaking at a consistent volume and pace.

4. Seek Professional Help for Persistent Problems

When voice issues continue despite your best efforts, you can seek help from professionals to receive the appropriate treatment or guidance. 

Speech-Language Pathologist Consultation

A speech-language pathologist can identify specific issues causing a shaky voice or hoarseness. They can also analyze articulation and breathing patterns. From here, they can address and treat vocal mucus buildup or even vocal cord nodules and lesions.

Vocal Coach Session

A vocal coach can also be very beneficial if you experience ongoing vocal issues like a cracked or shaky voice. Our customized voice coaching sessions can help manage vocal fatigue and improve articulation. From speaking techniques to vocal health guides, you can learn to avoid voice strain and protect your vocal cords.

A woman stands confidently at the front, presenting to an engaged audienceRelated Questions

What Causes Voice Cracks?

A voice crack happens when there’s an unexpected change in vocal pitch. It can also happen due to vocal strain or tension since overusing or misusing your voice can cause fatigue. When you’re nervous, you might tighten the muscles around your larynx, making voice cracks more likely.

Are Voice Cracks Harmful?

Voice cracks are generally not harmful and are a normal part of vocal development, especially during puberty. However, frequent or persistent voice cracks in adults may indicate underlying vocal issues that should be addressed.

Can You Train Your Voice to Not Crack?

You can train your voice to reduce the frequency of voice cracks through proper vocal techniques and exercises. Regular practice, proper breathing, and maintaining good vocal health can help minimize voice cracks over time.


Adopting a healthy lifestyle, practicing vocal exercises, managing your emotions, and seeking advice from vocal professionals are some of the things you can do to preserve your voice and improve your performance. With these simple tips, you can stop your voice from cracking, helping you master public speaking with confidence.